2024 Participating Artists & Vendors
Adamo Art Glass. Fused glass art. FaceBook and Instagram: Adamo Art Glass.
Blooming Soil Farm. Needle Felting kits.
The Clay Purl. Wool and Fiber related items. Christmas decorations, Craft kits, yarn, and Needle felting. claypurl.com, facebook: The Clay Purl, instagram: Clay Purl
Evan Knox Designs. Handmade sterling silver and gold jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones. evanknoxdesigns.com, facebook: evan knox designs, Instagram: Evan Knox@ evanknoxdesigns
Frances Rowe Designs. Handmade girls holiday dresses.
Gnaw Bone Woodcraft. Live edge tables, charcuterie boards, trays, trivets and coasters. gnawbonewoodcraft.com
The Hart Ranch Goat Milk Soaps. Homemade goat milk soap, shampoo bars, signs, soap dishes etc. thehartranch.com
Handcrafted by the Sisters Bath and Body. Handcrafted goat milk soaps, lotions, body butter, scrubs, etc. handcraftedbythesistersbathand body.com, facebook: Handcrafted by the Sisters Bath and Body, LLC, Instagram: handcrafted by the sisters
Holly Pots Stoneware. Stoneware pottery - mugs, cups, bowls, trees, ornaments, etc. Soy scented candles. hollypots.com, facebook: HollyPots47448, instagram: hollypots.stoneware
JK Glass. Hand blown functional and decorative glass items. etsy.com/shop/jkglassco, Facebook: jkglassco, instagram: jkglassco
KDW Pottery. Functional and decorative pottery including plates, bowls, mugs, pots and Christmas ornaments. facebook: KDW Pottery
Lumi Boutique. Handpoured soy candles, wax melts, and potpourri. lumibymari.com, facebook and instagram @lumibymari
Lynne Mikolon. Appliqued fleece hats, mittens for adults and children. Handwoven rugs. Quilted potholders, etc. facebook: Lynne Mikolon
Martha's Art and Jewelry. Wearable and functional art, and paintings. facebook: Martha's Art and Jewelry
Proctor Woodcraft. Wood items for the home and Christmas decor. proctorwoodcraft.com. Facebook: Proctor Woodcraft
The Soapy Ewe. Handmade artisan soap, lotion bars, lipbalm and upcycled quilt products. etsy: thesoapyewe. Facebook: The Soapy Ewe. Instagram: thesoapyewe2022
The Turning Tree. Handcrafted wood items for the home. instagram: turningtree_bc
Twenty Paws Knitting. Bulky hand knit beanies, cowls, snoods, mittens and ornaments. Facebook: twenty paws knitting, instagram @twentypawsknitting

Food & Beverage Vendors:
Big Woods Pizza and Hard Truth Distilling. Pizza, beer, etc. hardtruth.com, quaffon.com, facebook: BigWoodsPizzaCo, VisitHardTruth, QuaffOnBrewing
Burgess Bakehouse. Gluten free baked goods: cookies, cakes, donuts, fritters and more. Facebook: Burgess Bakehouse
Bear Wallow Distillery. Bear Wallow whiskies, cocktails, Christmas items. bearwallowdistillery.com, Facebook & Instagram: Bear Wallow Distillery
Brown County Winery. Glasses and bottles of hot spice wines, served in single use cups, reusable mugs, and bottles. browncountywinery.com. Facebook and Instagram: @brownCountyWinery
C4 Culinary Arts. Cakes by the slice and hot apple cider. bcscschools.org/C4
J & K Sweet Shop. German Roasted Nuts and Albanese Candies. jksweetshop.com. Facebook: GermanroastednutsBrazil
Heritage Candy Store. Fudge, and fudge novelty items. Peanut, Pecan and Cashew Brittles. heritagecandystore.com. Facebook: Heritage Candy Store
Offbeat Bakery. Holiday inspired baked goods and confections.